"[H]istorical precursor of modern cognitive psychology"
(Martinez, 2010, p. 6).
"[A]nalysis of behavior rather than thoughts or feelings"
(Martinez, 2010, p. 6).
"The behaviorist is interested only in what can be
observed directly" (Martinez, 2010, p. 6).
Ivan Pavlov
- Classical Conditioning
- S-R (stimulus & response)
- After ringing a bell (stimulus) dogs began to
salivate (response).
John Watson
Edward Thorndike
- Instrumental Conditioning (pre-cursor to Operant
- Cat in the box experiment
B. F. Skinner
- Operant Conditioning
- S-R-R (stimulus, response, reinforcement)
"To a behaviorist, conditioning is a
synonym for learning, which in turn, refers to a
change in behavior." (Martinez, 2010, p. 7).
Classical Conditioning
"Classical conditioning is primarily associated with
Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov" (Martinez, 2010, p.
Classical conditioning can be simplified as stimulus →
response or S-R.
Pavlov was conducting experiments which focused on saliva
production in dogs. There was an unconditioned response
identified between the amount of saliva a dog produced which
corresponded the amount of dog food the dog received. The
discovery that Pavlov made was that after a dog had been
participating in Pavlov's experiment for a period of time
that were salivating prior to receiving the dog food. Pavlov
wondered what could be the explanation for this phenomenon.
He then proceeded to prove that the condition was the result
of a non-related stimulus, that of footsteps as the
researcher walked down the hall to where the dogs were kept.
What Pavlov hypothesized is that the dogs had become
conditioned to respond to the non-related stimulus of the
footsteps. It was this hypothesis that led Pavlov to his
theory of classical conditioning.
Instrumental Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
The S-R-R paradigm. Stimulus →
Response → Reinforcement
"In Skinner's theory, reinforcement is any consequence
that leads to the repetition of a behavior" (Martinez, 2010,
p. 14).
Successive Approximations: "over time
behavior evolves gradually toward successively greater
approximations of its ideal form. A related term,
shaping describes the actions of a trainer or
teacher to evoke more effective behavior over time"
(Martinez, 2010, p. 15).